A connection that drives forward

BIC Process Mining for SAP

SAP® solutions enable extremely powerful and highly automated ERP processes - but companies rarely realize their full potential. There is a lack of transparency, guidance and real analysis insights to meaningfully optimize SAP processes. Process Mining provides the necessary insight by means of automatic process recognition and analysis and uncovers automation as well as optimization potentials at the push of a button. Let your SAP data speak for itself via our groundbreaking interface between SAP software and BIC Process Mining and take the path to higher performance, innovation and operational excellence.

Exceptional performance and effective transformation by merging BIC Process Mining and SAP ERP solutions

In today's world, companies need to be highly agile and flexible in order to stay in the market despite constant change. ERP systems can have a significant influence on the success of a company: they increase corporate performance by helping to accelerate business processes and realizing digital initiatives. However, the complexity of the ERP landscape is continuously rising and often becomes a major challenge - because accelerated growth means that users lack transparent insight into actual process performance. Errors and operational inefficiencies go undetected and can put a company's competitive advantage at risk.

This is exactly where BIC Process Mining for SAP comes into play, perfecting the advantages of Big Data: With our innovative mining functions, you can examine your actual process flows in SAP software to quickly identify deviations and inefficiencies. Thanks to automated real-time data transfer, the interface between GBTEC's process mining technology and SAP ERP solutions such as SAP S/4HANA® enables up-to-the-minute, second-by-second evaluations of complex and high-volume end-to-end processes. The tool analyzes different process variants as well as positive and negative deviations based on KPIs extracted from your SAP data. In this way, gaps in the system can be closed in a targeted manner and areas that need to be optimized can be identified. State-of-the-art functions of the Process Mining Tool help to penetrate the complex systems of SAP, make automation potential visible and thus realize real process improvements for your company.

The advantages of BIC Process Mining for SAP at a glance

Groundbreaking analyses and business-critical insights: Link our process mining technology with your SAP solution or other IT systems and experience the benefits of data-based process discovery in your everyday business.

digital transformation and automation

Accelerate digital transformation and automation

Based on digital footprints left in the event logs of your ERP systems, automatic process recognition uncovers the flow of your actual lived processes. It reveals where repetitive tasks occur that can be automated through the use of RPA or artificial intelligence.

efficiency and operational excellence

Increase efficiency and operational excellence

The newly gained process transparency allows you to quickly identify improvement potentials, eliminate inefficiencies and thus establish operational excellence. By keeping an eye on key KPIs in real time, you can quickly simulate new process scenarios and make data-driven decisions and changes. This allows you to maximize the innovation potential of your business processes.

compliance and risk management

Drive compliance and risk

With a complete overview of your process landscape, you gain control over your business processes and can thus strengthen compliance and your risk management in the company. Non-compliant processes are quickly identified and highlighted using compliance auditing, enabling you to respond to deviations in the shortest possible time and implement compliance measures to minimize business risks and process costs.

SAP S/4HANA migration

Master SAP S/4HANA migration and maximize ROI

By identifying process potential and closing process gaps, you create an excellent basis for your migration strategy and new SAP S/4HANA environment. You can standardize your business processes based on best practices and evaluate performance before and after go live. In this way, you raise the return on investment (ROI) of your IT migration to a whole new level.

How does BIC Process Mining for SAP work?

Our process mining technology provides you with a 360-degree view of your real-life processes. You can automatically extract your SAP data, X-ray your real process flows, make optimizations for all business cases relevant for you, and define and monitor your KPIs in real time.

BIC Process Mining for SAP

Interface to SAP S/4HANA and SAP ECC enables easy data transfer

BIC Process Mining for SAP connects BIC Process Mining to SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA and initiates the data transaction. Preconfigured modules for a wide range of end-to-end processes such as order-to-cash, procure-to-pay and record-to-report enable fast implementation and easy monitoring of SAP processes in real time - with maximum flexibility: You can easily customize the software's data extraction platform and individually define which data should be transferred when, how often and where.

Automatic process discovery ensures holistic process understanding

Like an X-ray image, the interface visualizes the actual states of your digital business processes directly from the event logs, the footprints of your SAP event data. They are collected with a timestamp from all systems that are affected by the process. This allows you to see at a glance how and in how many variants your SAP processes are actually executed. At the same time, you quickly learn about important KPIs such as bottlenecks, high throughput and long idle times.

Variant analysis & compliance testing for optimization and risk identification

Based on groundbreaking information about the structure of your business processes, relevant process deviations can be uncovered directly. To do this, you compare your actual processes with other SAP best practice processes or your own target design. With configurable KPI dashboards, you can easily filter out all relevant data and evaluate the most important key figures in performance monitoring. Checking the compliance of your business rules, you can find out where there is potential for optimizing processes and if there are any business or compliance risks.

AI-driven process optimization for operational excellence

By analyzing your event log data, you can also identify where in the process the use of RPA bots or other AI-supported technologies can accelerate your operational processes. You make decisions based on real data and proactively identify innovation potential as well as improvement opportunities. With BIC Process Mining for SAP, you succeed in switching from manual and sporadic improvement initiatives to continuous, AI-driven optimization measures. In this way, you sustainably increase the performance of your IT systems and business processes.

The right technology for your system: BIC Process Mining

With BIC Process Mining, you add a leading process mining solution to your SAP ERP system, laying the foundation for groundbreaking process analysis, real improvement opportunities and future automation. And you can do it step by step and individually at the pace of your business - whether you want to improve your current SAP processes or drive your SAP S/4HANA process transformation. With the automated data extraction functions, you can use your time for tasks that are really important - because unlike other process mining tools, you no longer have to manually extract the data or each individual event log and prepare it in a time-consuming manner. Decision-makers and business analysts can thus perform analyses of the processes in the shortest possible time and concentrate more on implementing process changes. The integration of SAP S/4HANA with our process mining technology also gives you the agility you need to react quickly to market changes and maintain your competitive edge. Benefit from the advantages of our mining innovation for your business process management in the SAP environment.

High configurability
Lengthy integration projects are history: BIC Process Mining for SAP is highly configurable and enables the analysis of all common E2E processes such as order-to-cash, procure-to-pay & design-to-operate.

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Highest flexibility in data transfer
When it comes to data transfer, you have the reins in your hands: Using an intuitive mask, you configure for yourself which SAP data should be transferred and analyzed, at what time and at what frequency.

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Comprehensive end-to-end view
Our interface supports the complete E2E value chain view to provide you with the best possible insights into your processes. This way, you will no longer miss any important correlations.

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Excellent scalability
We always have your growth in mind: Processing exceptionally large data sets is possible in seconds thanks to incremental data transfers based on state-of-the-art ETL/ELT technology.

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Flexibility in application
Your requirements are as diverse as our offering: That's why we provide the interface as a cloud-based solution, on-premises and in the form of a hybrid cloud model. You decide, we deliver!

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Maximum IT and data security
The automatic data flow is initiated exclusively by your SAP solution. The transfer is encrypted and, in the case of sensitive or personal data, additionally anonymized.

SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. 

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