Your all-in subscription for all BIC Process Design and BPM e-learnings

BIC Design Online Academy – Company Access

Take your organization to the next level by enabling self-directed learning in a cost-effective and scalable way. Your employees have the flexibility to access all available e-learnings at any time. Company Access also guarantees that all future e-learnings on BIC Process Design and Process Management will be automatically available to your employees at no extra cost as they are released.

Let's talk!

Building digital knowledge and skills in your company

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Access our e-learnings from anywhere in the world at anytime. This allows you to learn flexibly and according to your own schedule, without being tied to fixed times or locations.

Stay trained with always updated and new e-learnings. Take advantage of the variety of resources available to deepen your knowledge and consolidate your expertise.

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Eliminate overhead costs associated with travel, accommodation, and time constraints, thereby optimizing resource allocation and enhancing operational efficiency.

Train large or globally distributed groups simultaneously to maximize efficiency and reach. All participants can access the same training content at the same time.

Combinable with your own private Learning Hub and the Progress Reporting Package

Be equipped with exclusive additional Academy services to successfully meet the challenges of digitalization in an organizational context. 
Whether creating a tailored learning environment or tracking your organizations learning progress – with the Company Access you have endless possibilities in order to efficiently train your employees in BPM topics and strengthen your organization in the long run.

Private Tenant

  • Dedicated learning environment for large Academy customers
  • Can be branded according to individual corporate design
  • Initial setup, annual maintenance, and limited branding changes included in SaaS fee
  • High convenience for users through single sign-on
  • Can be combined with other Learning HUB Services such as Progress Reporting Package
  • Directly accessible via own sub-domain

Progress Reporting Package

  • Track and analyze your organization's learning progress
  • Continuous and near real-time access to student data online
  • Special “Analyst” user role with direct access to GBTECs’ Learning HUB
  • Can be paired with the Private Tenant offering, but can also be ordered with standard SaaS access.
  • Export student data in .CSV format for analysis in third-party tools

Unlimited availability of e-learnings

All employees in your company have the opportunity to access a wide range of e-learnings via Company Access – both existing and future learning content. This comprehensive collection of training materials covers a wide range of topics and is constantly being expanded so that your employees always have access to the latest developments and best practices in BIC Process Design and BPM. Your teams benefit from a flexible and always-available learning platform that enables them to continuously expand and deepen their knowledge and skills. 

Questions about
our Learning Hub?

We look forward to your request and would be happy to help you.
Your personal contact person is:

Christoph Windgassen

Christoph Windgassen

Expand your knowledge with our e-learnings on BPM & GRC.